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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know any maryland messages boards where young adults /teens native a

Question:i'm descended from the native american tribe known from central america to be Mestizo tribe

but it's fading away but here in maryland where i was born and grew up in it's hard to find other native americans here

especially since Mestizo arent a well known tribe because it's fading away quickly

but are there any sites and messages boards for older teens and young adults i can connect with here in maryland and the u.s

i was born here but i just want to know where most of the native americans are so i can connect more with my fading culture...i'm spanish mixed so i hope i'll be accepted

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i'm descended from the native american tribe known from central america to be Mestizo tribe

but it's fading away but here in maryland where i was born and grew up in it's hard to find other native americans here

especially since Mestizo arent a well known tribe because it's fading away quickly

but are there any sites and messages boards for older teens and young adults i can connect with here in maryland and the u.s

i was born here but i just want to know where most of the native americans are so i can connect more with my fading culture...i'm spanish mixed so i hope i'll be accepted

Hi, hope this helps with this website. And maybe I'll see you at some of the PowWows? Good luck!
Type in Maryland in the search engine and you will find a lot of info on whats going on in Maryland.