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Position:Home>Genealogy> Applying for my grandfathers birth certificate? do I need his mothers madien nam

Question:I have a photocopied copy of his birth certificate, and I cannot read his mothers maiden name, and to be honest im guessing her first name!

I have all his details and his fathers details. do i need his mothers?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a photocopied copy of his birth certificate, and I cannot read his mothers maiden name, and to be honest im guessing her first name!

I have all his details and his fathers details. do i need his mothers?

Submit what you have as there are techniques by which the information can be brought up.

Go to your library and see if they subscribe to If that fails, send me the info and I'll see what I can do.

By "the info," I mean his name, approximate date of birth and where he lived. I may be able to find him in census records, which should provide his parents' names and occupations.

All you need to apply for a Birth Certificate in the UK is Name Quarter, Year Reference and a place if you have it,

If he was born in the UK after 1911 his mother's maiden name will be on the birth index and you might find him at;

if it has been transcribed already. If he hasn't you can send me his details and I'll look it up for you - it's easier than paying the £7 for a new certificate!