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Position:Home>Genealogy> Family Tree.....Who belongs on this????

Question:We have a few divorces within the family. This has led to some confusion as to who should be listed on a family tree when it comes to remarriages with step children involved. We also have one adoption. Do we draw the line or include everyone? We have a family website and are trying to update it with names etc and someone brought this up. It lists the blood relative in black and the inlaw in red. I have the option to list the step children with only their blood parent and not attach them to the step (it's an extra branch!) but this is time consuming as I already had everyone attached.... I just want to do the right thing whether that means including everyone or only some....... Please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We have a few divorces within the family. This has led to some confusion as to who should be listed on a family tree when it comes to remarriages with step children involved. We also have one adoption. Do we draw the line or include everyone? We have a family website and are trying to update it with names etc and someone brought this up. It lists the blood relative in black and the inlaw in red. I have the option to list the step children with only their blood parent and not attach them to the step (it's an extra branch!) but this is time consuming as I already had everyone attached.... I just want to do the right thing whether that means including everyone or only some....... Please help!

i think you should involve everyone because if you dont involve divorces some of the children would seem like they have only one paret. and step children without them it would seem incomplete because they have been added to your family. Even tho it seems like it would take longer to do it i think its better to involve your WHOLE family. i hope this helps you :]