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Position:Home>Genealogy> Why is it you have to be a size 8 look gaunt and have died blonde GHD'd hair

Question:You go VIOLET!

I'm a size 8, still natural blond hair (no bottle thank you) and am 73. Not a stick by any means.

Go figure. (pun is intended)

Are we having a cat fight? Sounds like it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You go VIOLET!

I'm a size 8, still natural blond hair (no bottle thank you) and am 73. Not a stick by any means.

Go figure. (pun is intended)

Are we having a cat fight? Sounds like it.

i am size 8 -10 and have brown hair and a fringe. I'm accepted :)

i'm a size 10, have brown hair and i thought i was ok :(

You dont ..

I'm not a size 8, my hair is highlighted but I'm not bleach blonde, and I'm accepted. Your looking for acceptance in the wrong areas.

I'm a size 24 and short and have long dyed purple wavey hair.

I'm an outcast and proud :-D

Which book did you read that in??

This is the genealogy forum.........not genetics. They are not the same thing and are not related. Your question does not belong here and neither do any of the above responses.

Genealogy is a HISTORICAL body of research of one's deceased ancestors, and is about birth/marriage/death dates and places, what countries our ancestors came from, how our ancestors affected and impacted history, etc; and uses HISTORICAL documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, tax records, land records, court records, church records, wills and probate records, etc., to back up and document our research, and anyone can do it if they work at it.

Genetics is a SCIENCE that requires years of college and specialized training to do, and is concerned with genes, microbiology, etc., and uses SCIENTIFIC methods and experiments to prove or disprove theory or to show cause and effect. Research is done in a lab, not in the records basement of court houses and churches.

Genealogists are not geneticists.

whats so great about our society that makes u want to be accepted by it anyway, why do u want to be lumped in with a load of jeremy kyle watching chavs.

i'm a size 20 brunette, i'm smart, attractive, with a gr8 boyfriend, good job, loving family, whether i'm accepted by society is neither here nor there really

From a mans point of view, I personally woudnt bat an eye lid at a women who was a size 8 and had dyed blonde hair. Just be happy for who you are, that is what is so wonderful about the world, we are all individual, if we were all the same it would be boring.

The truth is you dont have to look like a size 8 stick. All women in all sizes are normal members of a varied society.

I'm not sure were you get your ideas from because that sounds silly to me! I have blonde hair but im not a size 8 and iv never had trouble being accepted. And what has having GHD hair got to do with it? Will you not be accepted if you are a size 8 with blonde hair but use some different brand hair straighteners??

i'm lovely, and don't give a SH.T

that's all in your head, child! Be who you are and love it!

Um, you don't. Stop repeating what the MEDIA keeps telling you that the media does, without thinking first.

I totally agree with what Violet has to say in reply to your question, what on earth has it got to do with genealogy.

i am glad i seen that Q sister.
i would rather have a woman drees properly and have natural long god given hair to cover her head with than any sex godess .
the women of the world dress filthy they are going down the streets naked and don't even know it , well its just like jesus told it and it is so. god does not lie.
they bleach there hair they cut it [witch is worse] godsays don't cut it they say cut it anyhow no matter what god says.
well they have to answer for it.. you put your Q in the right place god made you put it there so he could answer it, now no one has a excuse.

Well, sometimes it seems to me that it's even worse than that. On those weight loss commercials, I now see women beaming and showing off their new bods, really proud of the fact that they've gone from a size 12 to a size 2! Now, there is NOTHING wrong with being a size 12! That is AVERAGE. I think the weight loss industry sucks.

Ok, she wrote that she put her question in the wrong group. Can we get back to Genealogy.
Are there any look-up volunteers in Boone, Co, Arkansas out there?
Willing to pay you for your time.

I know you put this in the wrong category, as you said, but to respond...
I hope when you say this society, you may mean American Society? If that is what you meant then there is your answer, you are right, "This Society". I have friends from Africa, India, South America, Caribbean, Native American, and the Middle East. We get together and laugh and eat and have a great time talking about how many of us because of culture pride or religion, do not fall for the hype of the societal viewpoint. None of us are a size 8, gaunt, or have bleached died blonde hair! Most of us are very curvaceous, beautiful, brown/black haired, porecelain, or cafe au lait to cocoa brown girls and we love and embrace each others ethnicity and respect each ones heritage. Honey, skim the magazines, don't take the celebs seriously, drop the vain friends, and meet some people of different backgrounds and you will see it's a bigger world than the pictures "They" put out. You're OK as you are!

I am universally loved, admired and respected. I am a size 10 and 1/2, width D. I wear an 11 for hiking boots because the socks are thicker. You should pick a different circle to travel in.

That is what some in the fashion industry would like to make us think. Things are changing & more normal looking models are being seen. Hopefully this trend will continue.