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Position:Home>Genealogy> Anyone one on here with the surname herling?

Question:uk herling's. what county?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: uk herling's. what county?

As near as I can see from the UK Electoral Roll at there are about 34 people with this surname in the UK, tops. There has to be at least 100 in 1998 to get a surname distribution map at, so I'd suggest all 34 of them are probably closely related to each other as that's probably only around twelve households. Without spending any credits I can't see where they are.

The bigger question should probably be where did the name originate and is it an alternative spelling of a more common surname? Maybe it began life as Herring.

I've come up with 21 over 18s in the UK, from Scotland down to the Home Counties and London. None in the South West.