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Position:Home>Genealogy> Who's your favourite ancestor?

Question:I've been researching family history for a long time, but I still love my Great Grandfather, Frank Roby who started my obsession with genealogy.
Who is your favourite ancestor and why?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been researching family history for a long time, but I still love my Great Grandfather, Frank Roby who started my obsession with genealogy.
Who is your favourite ancestor and why?

unfortunately, since my family was sold into slavery, the oldest ancestor i know is my great-grandmother, but yeah she's pretty good from what i hear about her....

hey its cool that you found such interesting info. on your ancestor.....

My Great Grandmother, Rosa Padgett. She loved the ground my siblings and I walked on. She was funny, cuddly and one of the best cooks around. She raised seven children and all of them were successful. I've never gotten used to losing her.

My favorite is my great grandmother, whose name was Elfrida Bishop. She was rich and lived in California, in Brentwood, I think, which is near Hollywood. She also sounds like she was a lot of fun. She was beautiful and there are so many pictures my family has of her at parties, I just wish I had gotten to know her way back then. When she died my parents inherited some of her money, which I think they used to buy a house and invest in their business, but they ended up broke and in debt all over again. It makes me a little disappointed in them, but I guess if they had known it could turn out that way then they would have tried to avoid it. I guess they did their best. I was very small back then and I'm sure there's tons of stuff I don't know, so I've no right to judge.

My grandmother Margret. She inspired my love of reading and plants. She was quite a character.

My late aunt, mother's sister...who (sob and groan) got me interested in genealogy when I was 20. Often I go in the closet and wail...why me? But then, someone has to do it, right?
(Besides, it keeps me off the streets, out of the bars and forces me to haunt libraries and court houses, buy and read books and tear my hair at times.)

Well my favorite and most interesting ancestor from records only (not one I knew) was my great-great-great-great-great gandfather. He was a German pirate who was paid by the king and queen to rob English, French, etc. ships. I thought that was really neat. And his son was the one who, in the 1700s, moved to America from Germany. Neat, huh? Then my entire family lived in a town called "Little Germany" in West Virginia until the 1940s. Then, of course, they had to change the name fo the town for fear of attacks. That's about when my family started to move away into other parts of the country. LOL well that was a little farther than just my 5-greats grandfather, didn't it?

In my case "ancestor" is not exactly the right term. In fairness to my seven other grand kids, I can't say she's my "favorite" but my granddaughter, Jennifer, started my obsession with genealogy. She did what I now ask anyone starting a search to do "ask your grandparents". I suddenly realized I was the oldest living relative and didn't know lots of the answers. And so it goes....

i think the Indians

My royal ancestors! I know I'm of Irish, Norweigan, Spanish, French, and Portuguese royalty, but that's it.

my grandfather my father's side a harded political leader, some great stories!
