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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I get my original birth certificate before I was adopted?

Question:I was born in Chicago, Il. and adopted in Nevada but was placed there by the Catholic Social Service of San Francisco as that is where my biological father lived when I was taken away from him.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was born in Chicago, Il. and adopted in Nevada but was placed there by the Catholic Social Service of San Francisco as that is where my biological father lived when I was taken away from him.

I'm an adopted woman who's very much for reform when it comes to equal access rights being restored for adopted citizens. So, I can tell you that your OBC is in the state where you were adopted. In Nevada, you must petition the court to receive your OBC. Nevada's pretty okay about granting these petitions, so you may end up receiving it.

Contact the court in either the county where your adoption finalized or the court in Carson CIty, the state Capital.

Contacting the adoption agency or contacting any entity in the state of your birth will be of no use to you in obtaining your OBC. It must be done via the state in which your adoption finalized.

Just so you know, in states that seal adopted persons' OBC's, it is not up to the biological parent(s) as to whether the records seal or unseal. They have no say in these matters.

I'm doing the same thing for my wife, you know both parent name and your birth name. contact vital records in chicago
and give them all the info you know and they may want you to send 15 bucks for the birth certificate, my wife is from milwaukee and I had to do the same for her Good Luck!

start by writing the Catholic Social Services of San Francisco. More than likely your records are closed and sealed at the courthouse so you may not be able to get them or to learn info unless your parent has died or unless the parent allows them to be reopened. From what I understand the name changes but the birth date never does. If I were you I'd contact some of the websites wherein people are looking for their parents and parents are looking for their children and provide them your birth date and see if anyone is looking for someone your age with your birth date born in Chicago, IL.

I don't know if going thru Catholic Charities means you were originally Catholic or not, but you can also contact Catholic Charities in Chicago, IL for assistance.

Click on this site - on the state you were born -
to find out how to obtain your OBC.

All the best with your search.

ETA: oops - (thanks Laurie) - perhaps you had better check under what state your adoption was finalized in.
Or - check both!!