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Position:Home>Genealogy> Bering bridge theory and Native American Indians?

Question:If people want to endorse the theory that Native Americans come from Asia, then is it possible that people of Native American descent have Asian DNA? And if this is credible, then would that mean that people could be of any ethnicity of Asian descent...or is there one ethnicity that is more common or plausbile?

I'm not saying it's correct or incorrect....but if it is true, then why are there so many different American Indian tribes?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If people want to endorse the theory that Native Americans come from Asia, then is it possible that people of Native American descent have Asian DNA? And if this is credible, then would that mean that people could be of any ethnicity of Asian descent...or is there one ethnicity that is more common or plausbile?

I'm not saying it's correct or incorrect....but if it is true, then why are there so many different American Indian tribes?

The theory is that Native Americans crossed the Bering Strait from Siberia at different times, over the course of several thousand years. Who populated Siberia? Historians believed different nomadic groups from Africa to China, moved up through Mongolia to Siberia over time, twenty to twenty-five thousand years ago. As for Iraq, fifty thousand years ago there was a stream of people from Africa that also made their way via Iraq (aka Mesopotamia) through Siberia and over to North America. If you study DNA maps you can see this illustrated.

Mitochondrial (Maternal) DNA mutates MUCH more slowly than Y DNA (Paternal.) That means that I could have an exact Mitrochorndial match with someone who had the same female (mother's mother's mother's ad infinitum) ancestor as I do but 10,000 years ago! We know the different paths of the people who originally populated the Americas (at least from the East) because this extremely slow mutation provides a map, which I reference below.

If you look at clan mother (nickname for mitochondrial female ancestors) X, it is actually possible that people came over from Western Europe as well via boat.

Good argument. But there are so many because they didn't all come together. They came in groups and they had different tribe names and developed different cultures and traditions.

the theory is true. its the ethnicity is that of the people who live closest to the bering straight, other ethnicities probaby wouldnt have walked over there from say thailand

Based on the currently accepted theories, human civilization (life as we know it) began in Mesopotamia (the middle east, largely Iraq). So where did those Asians come from? The middle east (I realize technically the middle east is in Asia, but I'm pointing out there is a major ethnicity difference).

As far as the number of Indian tribes, do you have family members in other states? People split and go their separate ways and build new families (even more so in a hunter/gatherer society).

Anthropologist and DNA scientific people had track the native american origins in people living around the lake Baikal, in Modern Russia ( Siberia). Thats means, with the exception of eskimo and athabascan people; the native americans had blood links with tunguses.

Not everyone (like me ) believes that all the peoples of the New World descended from a small number of people who crossed a land bridge a lousy 10,000 years ago. In fact, I've read that some of the natives of South America have Polynesian DNA, not Asian! There's also evidence that MAn has been in the New World >30, 000 years, not 10!

There is no such thing as "Asian DNA".
Asia is a continent, not an ethnicity.
"Chinese" or "Japanese" is an ethnicity that would be carried in DNA.
It really irks me when I hear Chinese, Filipinos, etc. refer to themselves as "Asian".
Calling oneself "Asian" is a very broad generalization.

Well there are people who have found archaeological evidence that is over a thousand years older than when the first peoples supposedly cross the land bridge. If you subscribe to the land bridge theory then you cannot say that we descend from Asian DNA. There was no such thing as that, I mean how would they have Asian DNA if they originally came from Africa themselves? To answer your question why are there so many different tribes, just look at Europe during the barbarians, there were many different tribes with their own language and culture. Not every native in America was going to get along and do everything the same.

Time is the factor. Tribalism is an aspect of culture, and look at how fast American culture has changed in the past 100 years. The Bering land bridge would have been hundreds of thousands of years ago, thus offering vast variances in culture in Native American populations since then. I think there have been studies on linking DNA to human migration, but I don't have the results memorized.

You are asking about the ancestors of modern Native Americans (north, central and south) being related to the ancestors of modern Asians. Remember that people have constantly been on the move. The ancestors of the people living now in Place-X-Asia didn't live in Place-X-Asia. They moved in from somewhere else over the last 40,000 years, just as the Native Americans did. Don't confuse "tribes" with "DNA." Tribes are social groups, usually founded along kinship lines but those lines get blurred easily.
<quote> In his 1972 study, The Notion of Tribe, Morton Fried provided numerous examples of tribes, the members of which spoke different languages and practised different rituals, or that shared languages and rituals with members of other tribes. <unquote>

It is my belief that the truth is not JUST what you have stated, but that over the period of thousands of years, people from other parts of the world got here by many different means, at different times in pre-recorded history. Not just the Bering Strait and not just Asians. I believe that it has been shown that what I am saying is true. DNA tests of different Native American tribes have shown this. There has NEVER been just one type of people here. They got all lumped together as "Native Americans" when the first recorded European settlers came over and found them here, assuming the Indians were all one type of people.

So, the reality is........America has ALWAYS been what it is today.......A melting pot.

You would get better answers on this in a library, reading magazines like Smithsonion, National Geographic or Natural History. The librarian can show you how to look for articles in old issues. Their editors have standards. YA! does not, Anyone, sage or fool, can present their opinion.


I should just copy and paste my answer to this question because it gets asked so many times....

We were created on THIS continent, we have always been here and will always be here. Our histories go back over 30,000 years on THIS continent and now some scientists believe it may be as long as 50,000 years. That is LONG before any supposed ice/land bridge. The ice/land bridge theory is just that a theory, it's not proven fact, and it has so many holes in it that it looks like Swiss cheese. And is getting more holes shot in it all the time.

And for the those who will pull the DNA testing like a gun, forget it. If you go back far enough we all have some of the same DNA traits. After all we all come from Mother Earth.