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Position:Home>Genealogy> Can any dna testing determine which country of origin you may have been from?

Question:Or is it not that exact?
My father knows little about his genetic history because his father was adopted and never knew his mother that well.
My mothers side is also hard to keep track of as she cut off of contact with most of them years ago.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Or is it not that exact?
My father knows little about his genetic history because his father was adopted and never knew his mother that well.
My mothers side is also hard to keep track of as she cut off of contact with most of them years ago.

The way DNA testing works is by looking at the structure of your DNA. After hundreds of years, DNA mutates on the Y chromosome and on the X chromosome. These mutations are unique to certain areas. You can only trace DNA back through the males of your ancestors; like your Dads Dad Dad Dad. If you wanted to check the female way, you can check your Moms Mom Mom Mom Mom. If your ancestors were from Asia, you will have genetic markers on your DNA that indicate that your ancestors were from Asia. It won't tell you things that your Great Grandpa was from Scotland. It will tell you things like your Great (great twenty times) Grandpa was from Italy.

Most of the DNA test will give you a vague location, such as Northern Europe, Asia etc etc but not a specific country.

DNA will be only a general indicator.

Root through all letters and documents in regards to both sides. You can use this info to get more on various genealogy sites. Any relative you know or can find...... pick up the phone and ask. Nobody will fault you for asking about family.

Before you know it you will have all of your answers.