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Position:Home>Genealogy> Surname sounds like "Tick-o-which"?

Question:I'm looking to get more information on a surname that sounds like "Tick-o-which". I am assuming it would end with "cz" or something similar. Can anyone help?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking to get more information on a surname that sounds like "Tick-o-which". I am assuming it would end with "cz" or something similar. Can anyone help?


The following link to will give you a soundex tool to play with to find all the variants that "sound like" the name you're researching.

Chekovich? (check-o-vitch) Techovich? (Tek-o-vitch)

Names ending in ich (itch) are usually croatian, serbian or slavic.

Usually -vich e.g. Miloskovich
-vich means - son of


sounds me Croatian