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Position:Home>Genealogy> Red fox relatives?

Question:I am doing a project on red foxes! I was wondering what the red foxes ancesters were? I know that they are apart of the 'dog family' but id like some details. Please answer and thanks a bunch

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am doing a project on red foxes! I was wondering what the red foxes ancesters were? I know that they are apart of the 'dog family' but id like some details. Please answer and thanks a bunch

Though some of us here MIGHT have had a Fox line, this is a spot for doing genealogical research! As I (and probably many others have stated) we dig up deceased relatives.
We do not run foxes to ground, rather attempt to uncover what may lie under that ground.

Heres an idea,you have internet access,why dont you research it yourself instead of asking others to do your work for you!!!cause when it comes time for an exam,youll be on your own,sitting on your thumbs cause you cheated on your project !!happy trails!