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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are there any other Bolays here ?From any origin?Although is believed to be Scot


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Scottish

Yahoo answers is a very very generic place to be, and it is very unlikely to run into relatives here (although it does happen).
As for the name being Scottish... I strongly believe that people have accepted this without doing any research, or perhaps picked this up from one of many unreliable 'family crest' sites. I just checked one such site (which we are constantly trying to warn persons about) and find that they do make that claim. Unfortunately, THEY have not searched your ancestors, thus, how can they make this claim?
One place that IS reliable, is since it uses original sources (ie church records) to indicate where the name has been recorded. Those entries show MANY other places.. England, Switzerland, Germany, and more.
Without actually researching YOUR ANCESTORS, you have absolutely no proven way to say that they came from Scotland. Your name may also be a variation of another original name, such as Boley.
Not to insult you... but there is simply no reason to work with "believe" where it "might" come from, when you can easily track your ancestry through valid documents, and find what is the factual origin. I'd wager that it is NOT Scotland.
one of many guides on how to really find your relatives and ancestors.

On the UK Electoral Roll there is not a single Bolay; there are, however, 93 people called Boley.