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Position:Home>Genealogy> Peyote / CDIB?

Question:If I'm hispanic, and I know I'm at LEAST 1/4 Indian(Aztec) could i pass a Certificate Degree of Indian Blood and say the Aztec blood is really Navajo or can they not distinguish the the tribes? I know peyote is for religion, and yes I'm looking for a sincere religious encounter.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If I'm hispanic, and I know I'm at LEAST 1/4 Indian(Aztec) could i pass a Certificate Degree of Indian Blood and say the Aztec blood is really Navajo or can they not distinguish the the tribes? I know peyote is for religion, and yes I'm looking for a sincere religious encounter.

No, I'm afraid the Aztec tribe is not recognized in the US and you can't use Peyote for a religious experience in the US by virtue of Aztec lineage. If you go to Mexico, the rules may be different. But in the US and Canada, your heritage is not recognized as Native American, but only as Hispanic.