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Position:Home>Genealogy> Look my grandfather told me about my inheritance all i need to know is how do i

Question:I can't believe you are for real. I have seen your prior 2 questions. People answering questions are doing so voluntarily. They don't have to answer any questions at all or they can pick and choose what questions that want to answer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can't believe you are for real. I have seen your prior 2 questions. People answering questions are doing so voluntarily. They don't have to answer any questions at all or they can pick and choose what questions that want to answer.

This is the genealogy forum, the research of our dead ancestors, sorry cant help you, but I hope you find your fortune.

Holy crap... you have a demanding attitude of total strangers that don't answer your question as fast as you think they should.
I can only imagine how demanding you are, when it comes to money. I doubt the execuctor of his estate is hanging out here in yahoo answers. Figure out who has control of the money and ask them.
read the prior posts, and you will understand why I said what I did.

Has he died? If yes then you can go to the courthouse and review his estate records. If an estate isn't opened you can open one. If you open one you, as the personal rep can obtain possession of all his real and personal property by court order. If there is a trust fund the items in the trust are exempt from the estate because they arer owned by the trust. Whoever claims to be the trustee will have to produce the trust document to prove the assets arenot part of the estate. Sounds complicated? It is. Get a lawyer!