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Position:Home>Genealogy> Scrapbook title for a famous minority?

Question:im doing a scrapbook on (the life of) dr. ernest everett just.

just to get an idea of what im doing, i have to also make a birth certificate, family tree, eaucation, contributions to society, and obituary.( im already doing these on my own) just need a good title.

pls and thank you!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im doing a scrapbook on (the life of) dr. ernest everett just.

just to get an idea of what im doing, i have to also make a birth certificate, family tree, eaucation, contributions to society, and obituary.( im already doing these on my own) just need a good title.

pls and thank you!!

"Just an earnest look in to the life of a great man."

You might get a better response to your question if you re-direct it to the homework help forum,;_ylt=Ah...
they would be the people to help you I would say. This is the genealogy forum the study of ones dead ancestors.