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Position:Home>Genealogy> What was the average number of people in a family in the following eras?

Question:I've can't seem to find it on the internet, so I need a few history Genius' to help me on this. I need to know the average number of people per family in the eras of
1600 AD
1650 AD
1700 AD
1750 AD
1800 AD
1850 AD
1900 AD
1950 AD
2000 AD
Please help me if you can! Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've can't seem to find it on the internet, so I need a few history Genius' to help me on this. I need to know the average number of people per family in the eras of
1600 AD
1650 AD
1700 AD
1750 AD
1800 AD
1850 AD
1900 AD
1950 AD
2000 AD
Please help me if you can! Thank you!

Firstly, where?? England, America, Ghana, India?
Also you must remember that in most cases formal records were not kept until the middle of the 19th century.
Prior to this most records were only kept in churches (in Christian Europe) and in many cases had only vague information on baptisms, sometimes not even giving the parents full names.
The Office of National Statistics in the UK has a a website that may help with UK answers. As for the rest of the world ---???