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Position:Home>Genealogy> What would be my relationship to my great-aunt's son?

Question:By my great-aunt, I mean my grandmother's sister. What would my grandmother's sister's son's relationship to me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: By my great-aunt, I mean my grandmother's sister. What would my grandmother's sister's son's relationship to me?

First cousin once removed. Anyone who calls it a second cousin is an idiot. Your great aunt's son's kids would be your second cousins. (I get so tired of people who have no genealogy knowledge or experience at all give false answers and lead people astray. If you do not know the answer, look it up or don't answer the question. You look like an idiot when you give a wrong answer. You clearly do not know what you are talking about.)

Relationships to other family members are based on yours and that other person's relationship to the common ancestor. People who are grandchildren to a common ancestor are first cousins to each other. People who are great-grandchildren to a common ancestor are 2nd cousins to each other. As in the situation you described, if one person is a grandchild and the other person is the great-grandchild to the common ancestor, then they are first cousins once removed to each other.

Use this chart to figure things out:

1st cousin, once removed. (Some people call that a second cousin.)

Your great aunt is your mom's aunt. So her son his your mom's first cousin.

2nd cousin.

3rd cousin

u would be first cousins. bb

He's the first cousin of one of your parents, and your first cousin once removed. He and your children will be each other's first cousins twice removed.

He would be your 1st cousin once removed. He's your mother's 1st cousin. His child would be your 2nd cousin.