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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I get to see my Grandpa's spirit.?

Question:Ive never met him but I want to see hom or feel him without being scared. Also my other grandpa or grandma would be fine. Also can you pray for my one grandma to stay alive.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ive never met him but I want to see hom or feel him without being scared. Also my other grandpa or grandma would be fine. Also can you pray for my one grandma to stay alive.


Just done so, on your behalf!

The best way to sense your Grandpa is to go to somewhere that was special to him. You may not see him, but you will feel the feelings he had in that place and it will bring both of your spirits closer together.

I'll pray for your grandmother and, unrelated, your English teacher. Stay strong.

Look in your Grandmothers eyes to see. Ask her, listen to her.

Do you not understand what genealogy is? This is the genealogy forum. Not the psychic network, not astrology, not genetics, not the Sweeney Todd fan club site, or the many other things people seem to put here under genealogy.

We research our ancestors. We do not communicate with them, predict the future, study about or care why a brown eyed parent and a green eyed parent had a blue eyed child; and we do not care about Sweeney Todd.

I am so tired of people not knowing the difference between genealogy, genetics, and astrology. None of these are even related to each other. I get fed up with weeding through these types of non-sense to find real genealogy questions people ask in the genealogy forum.