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Position:Home>Genealogy> Origin of the last names SIMPSON and FLUCKER?

Question:Simpson Name Meaning and History
Scottish and northern English: patronymic from "Sim".
English: habitational name from any of three places in Devon, so named from Old English personal name "Sigewine" + "tun" for ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’.

Fluker Name Meaning and History (Flucker is an alternate spelling):
Americanized spelling of German Pflueger (occupational name for a plowman or plowwright, from an agent derivative of Middle High German "pfluoc" ‘plow’).
Other alternate spellings shown on are:
and FLUECKER . The names were found in the US (quite a few listed in Alabama and Georgia), Scotland (Midlothian, & Fisherrow counties), England (York, Durham, Shropshire, Surrey, Northampton, & Lancashire), Ireland (Cork,), Switzerland, Austria, France, Netherlands, Germany, South America (Peru), & Australia.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Simpson Name Meaning and History
Scottish and northern English: patronymic from "Sim".
English: habitational name from any of three places in Devon, so named from Old English personal name "Sigewine" + "tun" for ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’.

Fluker Name Meaning and History (Flucker is an alternate spelling):
Americanized spelling of German Pflueger (occupational name for a plowman or plowwright, from an agent derivative of Middle High German "pfluoc" ‘plow’).
Other alternate spellings shown on are:
and FLUECKER . The names were found in the US (quite a few listed in Alabama and Georgia), Scotland (Midlothian, & Fisherrow counties), England (York, Durham, Shropshire, Surrey, Northampton, & Lancashire), Ireland (Cork,), Switzerland, Austria, France, Netherlands, Germany, South America (Peru), & Australia.


This is what has to say about the names ,
Simpson Name Meaning and History
Scottish and northern English: patronymic from Sim.
English: habitational name from any of three places in Devon, so named from Old English personal name Sigewine + tun ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’.
There wasn't anything fir the name Flucker, sorry.
Hope this helps.

I believe it was from the movie mafia,

"godamn motherflucker!"