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Position:Home>Genealogy> Maynard family name: My grandfather said to remember where the family came from,

Question:Brittany is located on the English Channel in the northwest of France.
It gained its name when many Britons(English) escaped the invading Anglo-Saxons after Roman rule ended by crossing the channel to what became the are known as Brittany.
The local culture still retain many Briton names and the language is similar to early Brythonic. Bretagnes who have never learned English can still understand much of it even today.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Brittany is located on the English Channel in the northwest of France.
It gained its name when many Britons(English) escaped the invading Anglo-Saxons after Roman rule ended by crossing the channel to what became the are known as Brittany.
The local culture still retain many Briton names and the language is similar to early Brythonic. Bretagnes who have never learned English can still understand much of it even today.

The Bretagne region in Northern France.