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Question:i need names with alliteration
like billy bob, mary marble manning? june jones

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i need names with alliteration
like billy bob, mary marble manning? june jones

Zig Ziglar
Jimmy Johnson
Ansel Adams
Bob Barker
Howard Hughes
Joe Jackson
Ozzy Osbourne
Tommy Thompson

Names of living people or made up names?

Lucy Landon
Caroline Carine
Nina Newton
Veronica Von Ziegler
Angelina Anderson

Jeffrey Jones, Susy Smith, Robert Reid, Thomas Tucker,
William Walker, Arnold Adams, Bobby Burns, Constance Cobb, Donald Disney, Edgar Ellis, Frank Foster, George Green...
You get the picture?

My name is like I'm getting the right picture....

abbey albright
bonnie buttons
Bobby brown

Betty Boop

I was going to say my name, but Zoe G already did. Do I know you?!?

In honer of President's day: Ronald Reagan