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Position:Home>Genealogy> It is possible, to find a train my great grandfather made over 50 years ago?

Question:My father is nearly 60 and told me his grandfather made a train when my dad was a boy, he said it was in an exhibition in blackwood, are there any sites or anything where i could find information on it??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My father is nearly 60 and told me his grandfather made a train when my dad was a boy, he said it was in an exhibition in blackwood, are there any sites or anything where i could find information on it??

If you put the Blackwood Valley Railway into google you will get a website up with all the engines on it. I tried to paste the link to you here, but Yahoo wouldn't let me paste it onto the message.

There are close ups of all the trains.

I think they're called 'model engineering' societies now so this might help a bit in doing a search for one in the area. Sorry can't be more help, but good luck.

Blackwood Wales, Blackwood Australia, Blackwood New Jersey or any one of the other umpteen Blackwoods that exist around the world!