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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are you related to Royalty?

Question:I am a descendant. King Edward III of England (1312-1377) is one of my great-grandfathers, and of course, all that came before him. On one line, he is my 21st great-grandfather. On another line, my 22nd, on another my 23rd, on another my 24th. Someone posted a website above about one of their ancestors descending from King Henry II and King John. I also desend from them as King Edward III great-great grandfather was King John, whose father was King Henry II. King Edward III mother was Isabella of France. Her great-grandfather was King Louis IX of France, who was cannonized as St. Louis. His feast day is August 25th. St. Louis is my 25th great-grandfather.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a descendant. King Edward III of England (1312-1377) is one of my great-grandfathers, and of course, all that came before him. On one line, he is my 21st great-grandfather. On another line, my 22nd, on another my 23rd, on another my 24th. Someone posted a website above about one of their ancestors descending from King Henry II and King John. I also desend from them as King Edward III great-great grandfather was King John, whose father was King Henry II. King Edward III mother was Isabella of France. Her great-grandfather was King Louis IX of France, who was cannonized as St. Louis. His feast day is August 25th. St. Louis is my 25th great-grandfather.

i think i have royalty in ireland or something

In one way or another, everyone is related to 'royalty'. It is simply accounting really. All humans are cousins somewhere within a 14 times (or so) removed ratio on the extremes. Obviously, certain racial, ethical or geographical considerations are going to lower the closeness of these relationships. Some guy on the streets of Ankarage, Alaska and some girl in Manila might be cousins 13 times removed while that guy is related to another guy in Yellowknife only 5 times removed. Eventually, we are all related to someone who, for whatever reason, has had the descriptor 'royal' ascribed to his/her family.

I think everyone is almost certainly related to royalty some way or other if they can just go back far enough and find the link. Someone (I forget who) said that half the population of Europe is descended from Charlemagne only most of them either don't care or can't prove it.

I was most surprised to find one of my own "royal links" as shown at

No, but my girlfreind is somehow related to the Swedish Royal Family, does that count.

No, but I have a friend who's realted to Marie Antoinette

On my maternal line, my 10th cousin's mother was a cousin of Diana;
I guess that makes me about 10 millionth in line to the throne!
Instead of continuing the Royal streak, my closer ancestors became brewers who drank themselves to death at a very young age - Gt. gramps was 39 when he died of DTs!

No. The only signifigent person I'm related to is heavyweight boxer "Baby" Joe Mesi who's I think a 5th cousin

Yeah several of my relatives are "royal pains". lol