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Position:Home>Genealogy> What's the geneology of the modern day Iraqi people and the native americans

Question:what's the general history of this. I know about the bering straight and all that, but I want to know more details about how Iraq played a part in native american history

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what's the general history of this. I know about the bering straight and all that, but I want to know more details about how Iraq played a part in native american history

The theory is that Native Americans crossed the Bering Strait from Siberia at different times, over the course of several thousand years. Who populated Siberia? Historians believed different nomadic groups from Africa to China, moved up through Mongolia to Siberia over time, twenty to twenty-five thousand years ago. As for Iraq, fifty thousand years ago there was a stream of people from Africa that also made their way via Iraq (aka Mesopotamia) through Siberia and over to North America. If you study DNA maps you can see this illustrated.

why is it so hard to just look at people as people?

people have been around for millions of years and traveled the earth .

if you have a Christian background and believe that the garden of Edan was in Iraq then you would have to believe that the people of that nation had a lot to do with every nation and nationality.

but if you want to see it more from a science point of view its not hard to say that people traveled and mix nationalities and moved to the Americas and eventually created a tribe
( society ) of there own.

That Bering Strait theory(yes THEORY) has been repeated so many times, it is taken as gospel. Why do people on any land base have to come from someplace else? Why is it so difficult to believe they have always been right where they are? Sure others came to that particular place, but it is not that hard to believe some others were already at that place when the others
arrived. Iraqis likely came across the Atlantic via Mediterranean to North America and, for lack of a better term,
"intermarried" just as many others did like the Vikings and Druids.