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Position:Home>Genealogy> Nicknames?

Question:How is Jack short for John? Same length... And how did "Bill" get to be short for "William". ..and isn't Hank short for something too....? I believe it was Henry or Harry... they seem unrelated. How did these nicknames for real names come about?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How is Jack short for John? Same length... And how did "Bill" get to be short for "William". ..and isn't Hank short for something too....? I believe it was Henry or Harry... they seem unrelated. How did these nicknames for real names come about?

I don't think a nickname always has to be shorter than it's original counterpart (although that is also a valid reason for a nickname). I think sometimes it is just a variation of the name, such as Jack from John. Often, I think it is to do with different cultures. The equivalent for John in Irish is Sean.
There are all sorts of reasons for each nickname coming into existence, I don't there's a blanket rule. It is very interesting to research name origins though :)

hank was originally a short name for hankmiether. (a old russian name) then i don't know how it happened but hank just appeared somehow. as for bill short for william, i have always thought will was the short term for william.