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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know what M.S.?

Question:I'f you do just let me know please?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'f you do just let me know please?

multiple sclerosis ?

Multiple Sclerosis?
Master of Science?
Material Safety?
Management Science?

Believe it or not there are nearly 200 definitions for the abbreviation MS. See

If you mean Multiple Schlerosis -- it is thought to be an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. This website can give you more information than I can:

If you think you have MS you should schedule an appointment with your doctor right away.

Hope this helps!

MS could be a variety of things--for instance:
As Ms, it is a title for an unmarried woman who does not want to be called Miss. It is pronounced as "MIZ"
M.S. could mean a Master of Science degree
M.S. is a disease as well--Multiple Sclerosis
MS is also the abbreviation for Mississippi

In regards to Genealogy, I'd say it refers to Mississippi

when you post a question.. you are offered a place to put it (as far as topic). It does not really hurt anyone if you put a question in the wrong area.. what does matter, is that if this was a legal question, persons with skill in legal issues won't see it. I normally see all the genealogy questions, because that is my passion.
Also.. when you have a question up.. you can edit it to add info, with out using points. It is important to know the context of your question.. m.s. in the diseases area would probably mean you or someone might have multiple sclerosis. I know about that (when not hunting dead relatives) because my husband has it.
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