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Position:Home>Genealogy> Why did my parents name me Subcommander Grapefruit?

Question:Subcommander Grapefruit is the real name on my birth certificate. Should I be angry at my parents or pleased that they gave me such an original name?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Subcommander Grapefruit is the real name on my birth certificate. Should I be angry at my parents or pleased that they gave me such an original name?

They lived in a pineapple under the sea?

Because Pilot Inspektor & Moxie Crime Fighter were taken.

I'd be upset they didn't think I was good enough to be Commander Graprefruit.

first all that sucks. second of all if your mom had an epadural it could have been the drugs. anyway if it really bothers you it's not that big of a deal to legally change it.basically they make a new birth certificate with all the original information except the name. it costs something but if you move away no one would even know your name was Subcommander Grapefruit.

Either they were on crack for naming you that, or you are on crack for playing this silly game if they didn't really name you that.

Legally change your name. I wouldn't be to mad(Might want to get them drug tested even through...). Search for funny names on google and you will be smiling cause you didn't get name Mr. Binky Sminky, or Fodder-wing. I want to name my friends soon to be brother/sister Shananah... He punched me.... O well hope that helps