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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am looking for Louis Dickinson born around 1784 in or around N.Y. State?

Question:I guess other people don't bother to see that your question IS in genealogy, so their remarks are way out of line.
On the other hand, your question doesn't have enough details to be clear on what you are wanting to find. There are more than one man of this name, and it would be far better, if you included a name of a wife, locality of death, name of children, so forth. Even if we find a Louis in NY, it would take other records to match him to your person.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I guess other people don't bother to see that your question IS in genealogy, so their remarks are way out of line.
On the other hand, your question doesn't have enough details to be clear on what you are wanting to find. There are more than one man of this name, and it would be far better, if you included a name of a wife, locality of death, name of children, so forth. Even if we find a Louis in NY, it would take other records to match him to your person.

Are you looking for his grave?

wait are ya looking for him alive ? cause that seems impossible isn't it ???

Looking for "Old Louis"?
He is a bum now, and walks the public parks during the day.
Some kids are afraid of him...
Go see if you can get him in Central Park, he is always there on Wednesdays