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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are apples really in the monkey family?

Question:Ok here's the real question. I knew no one was going to answer it if I put the actual question up.
What are some of the customs of the Goshute tribe of Native Americans? Please help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok here's the real question. I knew no one was going to answer it if I put the actual question up.
What are some of the customs of the Goshute tribe of Native Americans? Please help.

ha ha ha. i guess i am the only one who appreciates good joke. kudos to you for thinking outside the box. you are right i would not have clicked on this for your real question because i have no knowlodge of the goshute.good luck

and because you wouldn't be honest about the question, I won't answer.

Try Google

Stupid child playing stupid games. If you showed a little faith in people by asking a legitimate question, you might not have offended the adults on here who really like to impart their wisdom. Instead you wanted to play juvenile games. You deserve no honest response because you were not honest in your approach.