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Position:Home>Genealogy> Do LDS members get a discount on an account?

Question:My mother in law told me that members get a free or discounted account from through the church. Does anyone know if this is true and if so how do I get one.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My mother in law told me that members get a free or discounted account from through the church. Does anyone know if this is true and if so how do I get one.

I'm not sure. Ask the Bishop on Sunday.

No. When you sign up, it does not ask you if you are a LDS member, so, they don't care who you are in order for you to use their services.

AND, it would NOT be fair to those of us who are not LDS who paid the full fee.

Being of a particular religion does not get you special privileges. Everyone who joins Ancestry clearly all have a shared passion for genealogy and are entitled to be treated equally, even have the right to expect to be treated equally. One group of people should not get anything special over everyone else.

If they did what you said, I can imagine how it would hurt their business due to the uprising of angry people who feel they are being discriminated against because of their religion or in this case, non-participation in a certain religion. They are a legitimate business, and federal laws state that businesses cannot discriminate against people based on religion. That is like calling a plumber to fix your sink and he won't fix it, or charge you more than he charges someone else, based on your religion. That is illegal.