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Position:Home>Genealogy> I need to do a family tree for spanish!!!?

Question:ive loooked like in google and places like that but all they offer is family tree like actually tree format.

we need a "theme" but no trees are allowed.

any ideas ;links are good your own ideas are also very helpful!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ive loooked like in google and places like that but all they offer is family tree like actually tree format.

we need a "theme" but no trees are allowed.

any ideas ;links are good your own ideas are also very helpful!

I'm assuming your Spanish instructor is looking to see that you know the words for relatives in Spanish.

I would write a short essay that uses those words.

i.e. List your name and mention your hermanos and hermanas (sisters and brothers). Like your madres and padre. And their hermanos and hermanas who are your tios and tias, etc.

Go to
Enter someone famous, like Robert E. Lee or Ulysses Grant.

Click on one of them that has a father and mother. Click on "Pedigree". Use that format.