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Position:Home>Genealogy> Why are Celt's in Ireland and wales darker than Celts in Scotland?

Question:its because ireland and wales have a high mediterranean population because viking ancestry in ireland and wales is very rare
unlike scotland and england were viking blood is still flowing viking traces can still be found in england but in scotland viking ancestry is very common

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: its because ireland and wales have a high mediterranean population because viking ancestry in ireland and wales is very rare
unlike scotland and england were viking blood is still flowing viking traces can still be found in england but in scotland viking ancestry is very common

No I think its to do with lineage. Most people from England, Wales and Ireland ancestors come from the Basque country of Spain.

So you answered your own question ...

i don't know i am italian but i have a friend but i love eat apples

Your ideas are a bit skewed. The Viking gene (haplogroup I: m-170) originated on the Iberian peninsula ( Spain). In your concept of races; all vikings would be Spaniards.

Scotland is simply closer to the Scandinavian population.

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it all about the Guiness