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Position:Home>Genealogy> What ethnic background (race) to i appear? just curious. get mistaken for many.?


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Very Portugese, dark meditteranean look in my opinion, maybe even passable for a dark complexed Greek woman.

what I would think if I didn't know:
01. Portugese
02. Greek
03. Brazilian
04. Cuban
05. Filipino/White mix (some of them look like you, you resemble Vanessa Hudgens a little bit with the dark hair, not exactly but sort of passable in a way) Your pretty though.

You look totally different in each picture...or was that the point?

Pic 1 is useless for anything because of the added blur effect.

Pic 2 looks Indian.

Pic 3 looks Italian.

you look egyption, maybe you have middle eastern blood in you

You do look different in every picture. In the second picture, you look middle eastern. In the third picture, you look hispanic. And the first one is too blurry to tell.

Can't tell, the photos are not very good.

latino possibly.

well your nose is clearly an african trade, strong and wide.
your complexion, hair, eye and skin colour resembles the semetic people of the middleast, ill say palestinian,kuwaity,iraqi.
and your high cheek bones look mongolian, near eastern.
i personaly think you look north african like algerian ,morrocan. they share all these traits.i hope i was close.
you look prety in the wedding dress by the way.

NATIONALITY is that of whatever country you are born and raised in. If you were born and raised in Canada, then you are Canadian, regardless of your race, ethnicity, heritage, or genetic make-up.

RACE is a human population considered distinct based on physical characteristics (usually skin color).

ETHNICITY is a term which represents social groups with a shared history, sense of identity, geography and cultural roots which may occur despite racial difference or place of birth.

The ONLY one of these that can one can possibly tell by a picture is race because it involves PHYSICAL characteristics. Nationality and ethnicity are not PHYSICAL characteristics. Therefore, it is impossible to identify those by a photo. I hope you can look at yourself in the mirror and know what race you are.