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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is Melanoid and Australoid?

Question:Since caucasoid is white, negroid is black, and mongoloid asian, what are melanoid and australoid?? by any means elanoid is hispanic or jew?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Since caucasoid is white, negroid is black, and mongoloid asian, what are melanoid and australoid?? by any means elanoid is hispanic or jew?

Melanoid-- Of or related to melanin; black-pigmented. 2. Of or affected with melanosis; melanin is a dark brown coloring found in the body, especially in the skin and hair. Produced by special skin cells that are sensitive to sunlight, melanin protects the body by absorbing ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Does NOT refer to a certain race of people!!

Australoid --Anthropology. a descriptive category including principally the Australian Aborigines and sometimes including Papuans, Melanesians, various small-statured peoples, as Negritos, of the Philippines, Malay Peninsula, and Andaman Islands, and some of the tribes of central and southern India. OR Of or being a human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as dark skin and dark curly hair, and including the Aboriginal peoples of Australia along with various peoples of southeast Asia, especially Melanesia and the Malay Archipelago.

Negroid: A very offensive term nowadays.
Of or being a major human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as brown to black pigmentation and often tightly curled hair and including peoples indigenous to sub-Saharan Africa

No results found for ELANOID. (in any dictionary I looked in). The word ELAN means to do things (dance, etc) with a lot of
vigor and liveliness; and the word ELAND means "either of two large African antelopes having long, spirally twisted horns:" Again, NO certain race of people!!

Jewish: pertaining to, or characteristic of the Jews or Judaism. It is a RELIGION; not a race of people.

Hispanic --Of or relating to a Spanish-speaking people or culture; a U.S. citizen or resident of Latin-American or Spanish descent.

Mongoloid--resembling the Mongols; characteristic of one of the traditional racial divisions of humankind, marked by yellowish complexion, prominent cheekbones, epicanthic folds about the eyes, and straight black hair, and including the Mongols, Manchus, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Annamese, Siamese, Burmese, Tibetans, and, to some extent, the Eskimos and the American Indians: no longer in technical use. ; in Pathology. (no longer in technical use) of, affected with, or characteristic of Down syndrome (Now considered offensive).

I don't know what this was needed for, but it sounded a bit racist to me, and I even hesitated about answering it. There are no "pure, lily white" people in this world today. There is only ONE race on Earth--the HUMAN race.

In American English slang -oid is used as a suffix to denote a fake.

Dictionary: The basic meaning of the suffix -oid is “like” or “resembling.” The suffix -oid comes from the Greek suffix -oeides, from eidos, meaning “shape, form.”

Are you making a joke with the made up words melanoid and elanoid or making generalizations about race which is wrong, just wrong.

Australoid refers to the Australian Aborigines. I'm guessing Melanoid might be something to do with Melanesians or South Pacific Islanders....

Melanoid is a collective term for dark-skinned peoples.

You have a definition for Australoid, a subgroup of the melanoid peoples.

Elanoid is not a recognized word.

Melanoid means "dark skinned" but not negroid.
it applies to people like the people found on islands in the South Seas and Melanesia - which means "the Islands of the dark skinned people"!
Australoid means the people similar to the Australian aboriginal. They are darker in colour and similar to, but not the same as the negroid races.