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Question:in my family everyone has brown eyes with a sky blue looking ring around them.i do also but i also have a goldish light brown looking ring around my great grandmother had blue eyes and my mother took after my great grandmother because she has a blue ring and it is the same color as my grandmothers dad has light kinda chestnut brown eyes but no blue or brown light goldish what i'm wondering is if i got the ligh brown goldish ring from maybe my fathers grandmother ? or something because i'm the only one in the family with the goldish light brown ring along with the blue ring!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in my family everyone has brown eyes with a sky blue looking ring around them.i do also but i also have a goldish light brown looking ring around my great grandmother had blue eyes and my mother took after my great grandmother because she has a blue ring and it is the same color as my grandmothers dad has light kinda chestnut brown eyes but no blue or brown light goldish what i'm wondering is if i got the ligh brown goldish ring from maybe my fathers grandmother ? or something because i'm the only one in the family with the goldish light brown ring along with the blue ring!

Children look like their parents, but not exactly.

Children inherit characteristics from their parents.

Individuals have an appearance (say brown eye color). Individuals also have genes. Each individual carries two copies of each of their genes, one from each parent. A gene often comes in two flavors (such as a gene for eye color that makes eyes brown or blue). An individual can thus have two copies of the gene with the same flavor (brown-brown), or two copies of different flavors (brown-blue). Human eye color is controlled by at least three genes, though we only understand two of them well.

on the website there is a Eye Color Calculator

You have asked a genetics question. This is the genealogy fourm. They are NOT the same thing. They are NOT even related.

Genealogy is a HISTORICAL body of research of one's deceased ancestors, and is about birth/marriage/death dates and places, what countries our ancestors came from, how our ancestors affected and impacted history, etc; and uses HISTORICAL documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, tax records, land records, court records, church records, wills and probate records, etc., to back up and document our research, and anyone can do it if they work at it.

Genetics is a SCIENCE that requires years of college and specialized training to do, and is concerned with genes, microbiology, etc., and uses SCIENTIFIC methods and experiments to prove or disprove theory or to show cause and effect. Research is done in a lab, not in the records basement of court houses and churches.

Genealogists are not geneticists.