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Position:Home>Genealogy> Odssey Familyy Tree?

Question:I'm very interested in the odssey. Since there is so many differnt characters, I was wondering if anyone knew where there is a family tree of every character mentioned in the oddssey, thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm very interested in the odssey. Since there is so many differnt characters, I was wondering if anyone knew where there is a family tree of every character mentioned in the oddssey, thanks.

Thre are many families, none of them very large. Odysseus is the son of Laertes and Anticleia, who was the daughter of Autolycus. He married Penelope, the daughter of Icarius (not Icarus, who fell out of the sky when his wings melted--note the second I). Odysseus and Penelope had one child, Telemachus.

Nausicaa is the daughter of Antinous and Arete. She has brothers, but I don't believe that their names are mentioned.

Agamemnon and Menelaus were brothers, sons of Atreus--mother uncertain. They married sisters, Helen and Clytemnestra, daughters of Leda. In the Iliad, both are the daughters of Tyndareus, but in the Odyssey, Helen is the daughter of Zeus. Agamemnon and Clytemnestra had a son, Orestes, and several daughters. None of the daughters is named in the Odyssey, but in the Iliad Agamemnon says he has two, Chrysothemis and Iphianassa. In later works his daughters are Iphigenia and Electra, and Sophocles also makes Chrysothemis a character in one of his plays. Menelaus and Helen had a daughter, Hermione, who married first Neoptolemus (aka Pyrrhus), the son of Achilles, and then Orestes (yes, her double first cousin), The Odyssey also mentions a son of Menelaus by another woman.

Nestor had at least three sons--Thrasymedes, Antilochus (who was killed at Troy), and Peisistratus,who is about the age of Telemachus. Nestor also has a daughter in the Odyssey, who as an act of hospitality gives Telemachus a bath.

These are the major families in the Odyssey other than the gods.

These are fictional characters, from Classical times. You would have to read the Iliad, and the plays of Aeschelus, Sophocles and Euripides to get a sense of the family connections of the various characters in the book, who are famous heros found in all Greek literature.

Try finding some links to these plays and the other works of Homer that gives a synopsis of the characters. Google the specific character and see if they give any family connections and relationships.