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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the meaning of my Chinese surname?

Question:My surname is Liong and could somebody please tell me what it means? And could you also give the Chinese characters? Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My surname is Liong and could somebody please tell me what it means? And could you also give the Chinese characters? Thank you.

How to Use this Page
The most accurate way is if you know your last name in Chinese. To view the Chinese characters on this page, you can download a software from Here. Simply find out the number of strokes your last name has, and look up the table below (number of strokes can be found on the far left column of the table). You can also search for the English spelling of your last name from the search engine. The same English spelling may represent more than one Chinese last name. To distinguish the differences, meaning of the last names are given wherever possible.

梁 Liang, Leong, Leung, Liong, Leon, Loeung (Beam) The Conquerors of the West

It means good and beautiful. I guess. Hahaha I have no idea but that's a cool name.