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Position:Home>Genealogy> What Kind of name is "Michaela"?

Question:Where does it come from and what does it mean?

Any suggestions??


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Where does it come from and what does it mean?

Any suggestions??


It is Hebrew for "like God".

It is just someone adding an "A" to Michael to make it sound feminine, they must not have liked Michelle.

Its obviously from a father who wanted a son and was too pig headed to change his mind when he was given a daughter.

It's a roumanian name. You write this name "Mihaela". It comes from "Mihai", a boy name which means "Michel".

I found this on for you there's quite a bit of information about the name,
English and German form of a common biblical name (meaning “who is like God?”) borne by one of the archangels, who is also regarded as a saint of the Catholic Church (cf. Gabriel and Raphael). In the Middle Ages, Michael was regarded as captain of the heavenly host (see Revelation 12: 7–9), symbol of the Church Militant, and patron of soldiers. He was often depicted bearing a flaming sword. Because of its sanctified warlike connotations, Michael was a popular name among early Christian military leaders, and was borne by eight Byzantine emperors, as well as by the founder (1596–1645) of the Romanov dynasty in Russia. The name is also borne by a Persian prince and ally of Belshazzar mentioned in the Book of Daniel. See also Michal. Cognates: Irish Gaelic: Mícheál. Scottish Gaelic: Micheal. Welsh: Meical, Mihangel. French: Michel. Italian: Michele. Spanish, Portuguese: Miguel. Catalan: Miquel. Basque: Mikel. Romanian: Mihai. Swedish: Mikael. Danish, Norwegian: Mikkel, Mikael. Polish: Michal. Czech: Mich(a)el. Russian: Mikhail. Ukrainian: Mikhailo. Finnish: Mikko. Hungarian: Mihály.

Short forms: English: Mike, Mick.

Pet forms: English: Micky. Russian: Misha.

Feminine forms: Latinate: Michaela (used in England and Germany); Micaela (used in Italy and Spain). French: Michèle, Michelle. Polish: Michalina.

hope this helps.

It's a pretty name my friend has the same name spelt the same way