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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is their relation to me?

Question:I've asked people around me and no one can fill in the blank on what their relation is to me! Haha. Let me know if you can! (Cuz I don't know!)

1. My dad's cousin is my ______________.
2. My dad's cousin's daughter is my ______.
3. My cousin's daughter is my __________.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've asked people around me and no one can fill in the blank on what their relation is to me! Haha. Let me know if you can! (Cuz I don't know!)

1. My dad's cousin is my ______________.
2. My dad's cousin's daughter is my ______.
3. My cousin's daughter is my __________.

1st, 2nd, 3rd etc is called degree.

1. My dad's [1st, 2nd, 3rd] cousin is my [1st, 2nd, 3rd] cousin once removed. (Same degree, once removed.)

2. My dad's [1st, 2nd, 3rd] cousin's daughter is my 2nd, 3rd, 4th cousin. (No removes, one more degree.)

3. My [1st 2nd 3rd] cousin's daughter is my 1st, 2nd, 3rd cousin once removed. (Again, no change in degree, one removed.)

Removed goes up or down; cousins of your parents, grandparents, etc or children, grandchildren . . . of your cousins.

Your dad's cousin is your 2nd cousin. Your's dad's cousin's daughter is your 3rd cousin. And your cousin's daughter is also your 2nd cousin.

Your dad's first cousin is your first cousin once removed.

Your dad's first cousin's daughter is your 2nd cousin

Your first cousin's daughter is your first cousin once removed.

To figure out any relationship, you must first determine who the common ancestor of each person is.

In ALL of your examples, the common ancestor to all are your Dad's grandparents - your great grandparents.

The lines are:

For you---
GGparents - Gparents - Dad - YOU

For your dad's cousin---

GGparents - Dad's Aunt/Uncle - Dad's Cousin

For dad's cousin's daughter --

GGparents - Dad's Aunt/Uncle - Dad's Cousin - Dad's Cousin's daughter

Forget about your cousin's daughter until later.

NOW for each person, figure out how many generations SEPARATE them from the common ancestor.

For YOU it is 2 generations (dad and gparents)

For your Dad's Cousin it is 1 generation (dad's aunt or uncle)

For your your Dad's Cousin's Daughter it is 2 generations (dad's aunt/uncle and dad's cousin)

So now you have all the information you need!

The "cousin" number is the SMALLEST of the two numbers and the "removed" number is the DIFFERENCE between the numbers.

You and your dad's cousin are 1st cousins once removed. 1 is smaller than 2 (first cousin) and 2-1=1 (once removed)

You and your dads's cousin's daughter are 2nd cousins. Both are 2 generations separated (2nd cousins) and 2-2=0 so no "removed".

But what about your cousin's daughter???

Well since the parent is your cousin, then BOTH you and her parent are 1 generation separated from the common ancestor (that's what 1st cousin means). Any child would ADD one generation separation so your cousin's daughter would now have 2 generations separation. SO you are still first cousins because your 1 generation is less than her 2 generations but are first cousins once removed because 2-1=1.

Her daugther would be your 1st cousin twice removed...that person's daughter would be your 1st cousin three times removed. The 1st cousin will never change because you will always have the smallest separation from the common ancestor which is 1 generation (first cousin).

I know it looks complicated, but if you just do it two or three times, it becomes second nature - you don't even have to think about it really.

Darcy is SOOO wrong. Shirley is right. If your dad's cousin is his 1st cousin, then it is your first cousin once removed and will be YOUR child's first cousin 2x removed.

Your first cousin's daughter is your first cousin once removed and will be second cousins to your child.

The point is, you do not determine your relationship to people based on other people's relation ship to them (like how is your dad's cousin related to you). You determine your relationship to someone based on your and that person's relation ship to the ancestor (grandparent, great grandparent, etc.) that you and that person both have in common. The chart at the link below will help. Just determine what ancestor you and your dad's cousin have in common. Insert their name down the left column in the appropriate spot regarding their relationship to that ancestor. Insert your name across the top in the spot of your relationship to that same ancestor. Then scroll down and over to where the row with their name intersects with the column with your name and the relationship written in that box is what your relationship is with that person.

Your Dad's Cousin 2nd cousin once removed

your Dad's cousin's daughter is your Second Cousin

and Your cousin's daughter is your 1st cousin

1. My dad's cousin is my ______________.
Is your dad's aunt or uncles children and that makes that person your second cousin.

2. My dad's cousin's daughter is my ______.
is your 3rd cousin and your fathers second cousin.

3. My cousin's daughter is my __________.
is your 2nd cousin.