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Position:Home>Genealogy> Please help with looking for someone?

Question:I'm looking for someone who was born in Miami, FL in either 1981 or 1982. The problem is that I don't know the last name and I think the first name I was given was a nick name and not the real name. If anyone knows any search engine that could help please share.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking for someone who was born in Miami, FL in either 1981 or 1982. The problem is that I don't know the last name and I think the first name I was given was a nick name and not the real name. If anyone knows any search engine that could help please share.

Your best bet is to try to get more info from other friends or acquaintances. I don't know of any website that doesn't need a surname. Even if you had it, current privacy laws essentially prevent you from researching living people.
I'd say your best bet is try to get a full name and then try on-line phone books, that is assuming you have some idea of the current residence. Miami is so large that even with a surname you probably would have a huge number of possibilities when looking for his/her parents. Bottom line, without a full name & location I'm afraid you're out of luck. Sorry

The internet is not psychic. It cannot tell you who a person is and where they are based on an estimated year of birth, city of birth, and a possible nickname. You are expecting too much from a computer.