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Position:Home>Genealogy> Who will be watching African-American Lives on PBS tonight? Share your views of

Question:I've seen it b4. I'm very happy to c somthing like this on tv. It helps me feel more connected. I know what i am but then not really and at times i feel like aa have no sense of our real identities

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've seen it b4. I'm very happy to c somthing like this on tv. It helps me feel more connected. I know what i am but then not really and at times i feel like aa have no sense of our real identities
boo, I would, had I realized it was tonite. I had them set me up email for the next showing (sigh... there are times when I am up at 3 am). By the way.. the link above has the series on dvd.