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Position:Home>Genealogy> I'm trying to find the origins of the last name Godi. Any help??

Question:The Mormons,
with exact spelling turned on, have 101 entries. They range from Iceland, France, England, Germany, Spain to Italy; also the USA, but they came over from somewhere, in all probability.

It is either rare or it is a variant spelling of something more common.

has 127 entries, some of them back to 970 AD.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Mormons,
with exact spelling turned on, have 101 entries. They range from Iceland, France, England, Germany, Spain to Italy; also the USA, but they came over from somewhere, in all probability.

It is either rare or it is a variant spelling of something more common.

has 127 entries, some of them back to 970 AD.

I have searched every surname origin site that I know of, but there's nothing on any of them that relates to your name.