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Position:Home>Genealogy> What generation am i?

Question:if i was born in 1987?? and how do you actually determine so?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if i was born in 1987?? and how do you actually determine so?

The Y Generation is known as a Culture War "battleground" with growing disagreements between regressive and progressive perspectives. 1976-2001 is the widest possible definition commonly cited, but 1982 is the commonly accepted start point.
Generation Y, also known as the Echo Boom, or Millennial Generation, grew up with many world-changing events including the rise of mass communication, the Internet, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Go to this link. It will tell you all about it. It is just too much to copy and paste here.

i THINK it is every 25 yrs ... now I am right on the end of the baby-boomers ( i'm 1964) .. so then there's 1979 ... and then then there's 2004 (??) I THINK the 1964 - 1979 are the generation X'ers and you then fall into the generation Y'ers...

BUT I MAY BE TOTALLY WRONG ... but close to the mark ?

Generation Y. It's what comes after X, which is what came after W (those born just after WWII). Late '70s/early '80s can be a bit hazy about X vs. Y, but 1987 is definitely Y.

You are Gen Y