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Position:Home>Genealogy> Breakdown of family life in the 1920's?

Question:I need some quick info about the breakdown (meaning deterioration) of marriage/family life during the 1920's in America. Anything will be helpful and much appreciated. I can't find any good websites.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need some quick info about the breakdown (meaning deterioration) of marriage/family life during the 1920's in America. Anything will be helpful and much appreciated. I can't find any good websites.

I suggest typing "family life 1920's" or "divorce 1920's" into a search engine. I gave it a try and there isn't a website dedicated to it but there are many websites with bits of information on the topic. If you colate the little bits of information, you should get a pretty good picture of family breakdowns in the 1920's.

Good luck with your search
You might consider this 'good' or not, but it addresses your question.
I ran the search with cultural family 1920s as the search term.