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Position:Home>Genealogy> My ancestors??

Question:I really really wanna know who my ancestors were or where i'm descendant from. I know nothing can be accurate but I just want a good guess. I'm 100% Egyptian, i'm tan, tall, blackish brownish curly hair, big brown eyes, slightly crooked nose (roman nose). Am I from Africa, Europe, or Arabia? and where in these continents?thx

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really really wanna know who my ancestors were or where i'm descendant from. I know nothing can be accurate but I just want a good guess. I'm 100% Egyptian, i'm tan, tall, blackish brownish curly hair, big brown eyes, slightly crooked nose (roman nose). Am I from Africa, Europe, or Arabia? and where in these continents?thx

Hello Ahmed_n,
First take a d-e-e-p breath; pull out your trusty pen and paper and start with your name ( add birthday and place you were born.) Now, going backwards or downwards if you want; add your Moms' name and maiden name, birthdate, when and where she was born, Do the same for your Dad. You can add when they were married and where as well. Now do the same for their parents and keep going back as far as they can remember. Go to your local library (they may have a area set up to help you start this search.) You will need to look at deeds to land, birth certificates, death certificates and the like to trace your family tree. I have info on my family dating back to Europe and when they came to America. Now I want to go deeper and trace the family back as far as the kept records will let me. I have some well know ancestors in my tree; some are ones who did great and nobel things, some were not so great or nobel. But all family trees are that way...good people and bad are in all families everywhere around the world. Keep this up and eventually you should be able to trace your ancestory back to Noah and the Ark. You will be a decendent of one of Noahs' sons, Shem, Ham, or Japheth, just as I am... and all the people of this world are. Keep in mind we are all from this one one else survived the flood except the animals who came on the Ark. Yup, I just checked, only 8 people got off the Ark, everyone else drowned.
Now to the question of your looks and what they may or may not reveal about you. Tall, tan,dark curly hair, big brown eyes, slightly crooked nose. Yes, it is a good possibility you are Egyptian or that you came from an area close to Egypt, such as Iraq, Iran Pakistan, Africa, Turkey, or India. All these countries are neighboring countries and you can travel from one to the other by land. If so, you may find ancestors who lived by the Euphrates, Tigres, Gihon, or Pishon Rivers, which is near the location of the garden of Eden. You could well be from Israel too. All these areas have peoples who would fit your description easily. So no, I can't help you so much by looks other than to give you an idea of where to look. But this is better than no info at all.
Now you stated you are Egyptian, 100%: then I would start looking for people with the same last name in Egypt. If your 100% sure of your Egyptian ancestory, then one or both of your parents must also be Egyptian as well. Start with them and ask them about your home land and what if anything they remember about the area there that you came from. For instance: the upper or lower Nile, east or west of the Nile. You could be a decendent of Ishmael whose mother was Hagar the Egyptian and Abraham, who was blessed, but not the son of covenant as Isaac was. But as I said, "Keep in mind, only 8 people got off the Ark ; and only the children of Noah and his wife had children after the flood. (see Genesis
chapter 10, verses 1 thru 32 for The Table of Nations.
Now if you live in the U.S. you need to face toward the morning sun to know where these countries lie. They are across the Atlantic Ocean. They are in the proximity of the Red, the Dead and the Mediterrian seas.
You say nothing can be accurate, .... possibly....but that also depends on just how much you want your info to be accurate, and, how much time and energy you are willing to put into your search for your roots.
Most Americans see Christ as blonde haired and blue eyed, with light skin. I see him somewhat different tho; I see him much as you are described. Dark eyes,hair, and tanned skin from working out in the sun as He built the various things people needed out of wood. But I don't think He minds us seeing Him with blue, grey, green, or brown eyes; anymore that He minds us seeing Him with blonde, black, dark brown, or sun bleached hair.
Hope this helps you and anyone else hunting for their ancestory.

Check your birth certificate and passport!

The easiest way would be through a DNA test like the ones below being sold through

Paternal Lineage Test (Y-Chromosome 33) — Recommended

Find genetic cousins and learn about ancient paternal ancestry. For MALE participants only.
USD 149 ($149)
Advanced Paternal Lineage Test (Y-Chromosome 46)

Thirteen additional markers provide a more precise comparison with other participants who also have the advanced test. For MALE participants only.
USD 199 ($199)
Maternal Lineage Test (Mitochondrial DNA)

Learn about the ancient ancestry and early human migrations of your maternal line forbearers. For BOTH female and male participants.
USD 179 ($179)

Female Participants:
If you are interested in exploring your paternal lineage, a DNA sample must be provided by your father, brother, or a male cousin on your father's side. Choose "MALE" for the participant's gender and select a Paternal Lineage test.

It's a bit expensive, but the only "sure-fire" method to actually prove your genetic ancestors.

If you are born and raised in Egypt, then you are Egyptian by nationality but not necessarily by blood. If you are not from Egypt but your family is, then you have Egyptian heritage, but you are that of where ever you were born and raised (American, Canadian, etc.).

If you are, as you say, 100% Egyptian, then there can be NO other background of where you came from. If you are questioning that, then maybe you are not 100% Egyptian. You ask if you are from Africa..........Egypt is a country in Africa. Apparently you do not know your geography.

We cannot tell you where you are from by a description of your physical traits. That is impossible.

If you already "know" that nothing can be accurate, then why continue on with the question? If the answer cannot be accurate, then no matter what we tell you, you truly will not know nothing more than you already do.