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Position:Home>Genealogy> Grandpa was 1/2 African American. What's the other 1/2?


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I would say either Cherokee or Seminole,
depending on where "Grandpa" was from.
He could also be Choctaw or Chickasaw.
Of course he could have some European too.

hmmmmmmm.....looks either native american or indian

Good looking man! His parents names would be more helpful. I could only guess. Chinese?

Handsome gentleman, note the high cheek bones...might have some Native American ancestry. However, 'tis said that the Native Americans could not grow facial back to the drawing boards. Who were his parents, do you know their names? Where did he live, might be a clue or two to be found there.

He looks totally black to me, but around the eyes it looks a sneaky bit Asian.