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Position:Home>Genealogy> Any haigh's left in halifax area, related to smiths in huntindonshire camber

Question:Try using to locate the family's you are looking for, I live in Halifax and knew one at least but that was a couple of years ago.

good luck and good hunting

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Try using to locate the family's you are looking for, I live in Halifax and knew one at least but that was a couple of years ago.

good luck and good hunting

crikey that's a big tree- get yourself a lumberjack shirt!

Yahoo!Answers' format (question and answer) makes it very unlikely that you will find relatives via a "query." A message board should get you much better results. Try one of these:

Through boards like these I've found nearly a dozen cousins (now that's a good website name!) from various lines -- although it may take months to get an answer.

You could also join a mailing list:

I hope you find some cousins! :)

There are 145 people over the age of 18 on my copy of the Electoral Roll for Halifax
Have you tried the Membership of the Family History Society for that County to see what the Members are researching?