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Position:Home>Genealogy> Spelling for irish grandmother?

Question:here are a few different words for Grandmother in Irish, including Seanmháthair (shan a WAW her), máthair mhór (maw her aWOR), and máthair Chríona (MAW her KHREE un na). These literally mean "old mother", "great mother" and "mother of the heart." These words are not used to actually address the grandmother, though. Children would call a grandmother Maimeó (MAM o), or perhaps Móraí (MO ree).

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: here are a few different words for Grandmother in Irish, including Seanmháthair (shan a WAW her), máthair mhór (maw her aWOR), and máthair Chríona (MAW her KHREE un na). These literally mean "old mother", "great mother" and "mother of the heart." These words are not used to actually address the grandmother, though. Children would call a grandmother Maimeó (MAM o), or perhaps Móraí (MO ree).



Seanmháthair means grandmother, but a child would call their grandmother Mamó.