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Position:Home>Genealogy> What does the LAST NAME Ruby mean and or come from?

Question:It is probably a translation of a European name. German and French = rubin; Italian, Rubino; Spanish, rubi. A lot of Jewish people have names that are precious names, with -stein at the end. Rubinstein, Goldstein, Silverstein, Saperstein (Sapphire). Some people "translated" their names in the US, like Ruby or Silverstone.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is probably a translation of a European name. German and French = rubin; Italian, Rubino; Spanish, rubi. A lot of Jewish people have names that are precious names, with -stein at the end. Rubinstein, Goldstein, Silverstein, Saperstein (Sapphire). Some people "translated" their names in the US, like Ruby or Silverstone.

According to

1. Americanized spelling of German Rubi.
2. French: variant of Rubin.

Note: This doesn't mean you're American, German or French or NOT American, German or French. You would need to research your own family genealogy to find out the countries they're from.

Jack Ruby, who shot Lee Harvey Oswald, was originally named Rubinstein. There are many possibilities beyond this, German, French, etc, plus the chance a name has been Americanized either voluntarily or at entry through Ellis Island.

Maybe it has to do with the jewel, may be it means something to your ANCIENT ANCESTORS, or the country that you are from........It could be all 3 combined.

gene-e's reply is absolutely valid, and had no reason for any thumbs down.
MANY names are variations of another earlier name. There is no way that someone can define what 'your' name (if it is Ruby) was, or was not.
Again.. the only way to know origins, is tracing the actual persons. Names are close to irrelevant, unless you have done this.