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Position:Home>Genealogy> Who is marie curie??

Question:give me some info about her

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: give me some info about her

instead of wasting your time here for someone else to give you your homework answers, do a Yahoo 'search' for Marie Curie and you will find complete biographical information about everything you need to know!
Wont' take you any more time than it did to post a question here!

She was a female chemist
She won a Noble prize with her work that she did with her husband Pierre.
She helped discover uranium
She eventually died of radiation.

are you thinking of madam curie---along time ago she was a famous doctor medical researcher. this may not be the same as this woman lived in the late 1800's-mabe-early 1900's

French scientists, all you have to do is type in her name.